Introducing The SmartTstat
Someone once said, "Necessity is the mother of invention". This is true of the SmartTstat.
Marine refrigeration for pleasure boats is still a relativity new concept. It was only 1978 when the first Adler Barbour ColdMachine rolled off the assembly line. Around 1990 refrigeration became an "available option" when you purchased a new boat in the higher price range; but by the mid 1990's refrigeration had become standard equipment on most new boats in all price ranges.
Prior to the ColdMachine, refrigeration was customized for each boat specifically and needed a specialist to install it. Yet, after all these years, there are still some issues with refrigeration on boats. One of the problems happens to be that none of them defrost, but defrosting is one of many solutions the SmartTstat offers.
The SmartTstat solves several problems as well as offering valuable features.
- Inexpensive
- Accuracy and repeatability
- Hi/Low temperature recorded memory
- Energy saving button
- "Defrost Assist"
- Water Pump Control
- Automatic cycling if temperature probe fails
- Large easy to read display - Unit can be mounted anywhere
- 12/24 Volts DC
The purpose of this blog is to explain these features as well as the capabilities and expectations of the SmartTstat.
Check back for future updates.
Thank you,